Welcome to London!

Let's jump out of the taxi.
I am pleased to have you by my side to spend some time here in Covent Garden.

Come on! let's hurry! I think it is about to rain, so we'd better rush under the big arcade.
Shall we do some shopping together?

Let's have a look at the windows.

Would you like some perfume maybe?

... something unusual , colourful and absolutely useless ?

I think I could definitely take one of those hot air balloons at home.
Oh! LOOK!!

Strawberries dipped in white chocolate!!!
That would be a bit naughty!
In fact, I am starting to be a little hungry. Aren't you?
Where shall we eat?
Lets'a have a look around.

Oh! I love it here!!! The crowd, a big paëlla and someone is playing the violin in the corner.
I simply love the atmosphere.
Don't you?
After a lovely break, I think we ought to move on.
We have some dolls to deliver.
Let's pop to the shop!

My oh my! Are these giant dollies?
Bree and Louisa are sweet, funny and ever so creative young ladies.
I am in love with their Lolita looks.
If you ever want to adopt this style, Louisa makes incredible dresses and jewels right here!
Chit chat and giggles, the shop is crowded and everyone has a smile and is so friendly.
Time to play one last time with the dolls.
It is always a bit difficult to say goodbye.

I know the dolls are in good hands though.

Let's tiptoe out and let the dolls know a little bit more about the lovely store.
Soon they will be going to a loving family.
Back to the massive Victorian shopping mall.
You can learn a lot about the fascinating background of the place here.
Let's wander a bit in the past...
Time flies, it is time to part my dear friends.
I hope you've enjoyed the little tour.
There is soooooooooooooooooooo much to say about this place.
Maybe one day, if you have the chance to visit London, just give me a call and I will be more than happy to take you there as I once did with a dear blog friend and artist Deidra Doan.
But this is another story...

Thank you for the photos! That brought back fond memories. I have been there several times and Covent Garden is one of my favorites! I have been in the shop that your dolls are going to. Wonderful!
What a great tour!! I hope to visit someday soon!!!
Covent Garden...oh, such great memories!! you took me back to my 18s. Wow, such a long time has gone but CG is still the same. I was there with my son a couple of years ago and the atmosphere was fabulous as always. Thank you for sharing, Rosanna
Ah! Would love to go to London one day! Covent garden seems so great! Et mondieu, ces fraises au chocolat blanc, oh lala :-)
I've never been to Covent Garden but now feel as if I have. Thanks so much for including us in the tour of such an interesting and fantastic place.
Tout cela rappelle de bons souvenirs...
Bravo pour ton post! J'ai vraiment eu l'impression de faire la promenade avec toi.
Je suis sûre que tes poupées vont vite trouver une famille.
You are such a creative DARLING! Your dolls are wonderful. I know you are going to be a star in the doll world...and I am praying for you as you go your journey in Kent...but I think it is the right place for you and all your wonderful talent..movies, stories and dolls...can't wait to see where it all goes!! Your book is truly the best!!!
Pat, I was there twice. 20s and 30s :). That store with your dolls is one I will definitely want to walk in and see. And of course, all the bookstores. I have had a fun 5 minutes touring Covent Garden again. Thank you!
What a wonderful way to start my morning...thank you!
J'adore Covent Graden, j'en garde que de bons souvenirs! D'ailleurs la 5e photo en partant du haut c'est le magasin Octopus non? j'y ai travaillé mais dans celui de Carnaby Street, le plus petit! ;)
I have never been- thank you so much for the glimpse--I hope so much to lunch there one day with you for real! Your dolls will be snapped up to new homes in no time, I am sure of it....and I think I would choose the something unusual, colorful and useless over the strawberries :)
Totally sealed it for me: when Mr. Calm and I finally get to London, we're going to Covent Garden! And we'll definitely visit your dolls, too! :)
How lovely Patricia! thank you for the tour. Your dollies look gorgeous. I am sure they find a fantastic home soon :)
oh covent garden... nostalgie... dire que la boutique de miniatures de mon enfance a fermé ses portes, tout fout le camp... bises
lovely trip
It's been many years since I was there...LOL I probably wouldn't recognize it. That store that you left your dollies at looks lovely:)
Cela m'a l'aire super sympathique dans ce coin de Londres .Il faut vraiment que j'y retourne un jour !
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