Friday, 21 June 2013

Weight loss, makeup and...a wedding!

Dear friends,

I hope you have all been fine since your last visit.

Sorry for not being so much in touch but time flies and I haven't been doing much in dolly or mini world for a long time.
The main reasons why I am not very productive at the moment are VERY good ones and I hope you will understand and be patient with me:

To begin with, I have been on an intense weight loss program lately. I stick to super healthy food and work out 3 times per week at the gym. As a result , I have lost over 20 pounds in 3 months and I have to say I am really pleased as I was starting to put my health at risk with a bad diet and no exercise...but see by yourself!

I have also been developing my new services as a nail Technician and Make up Artist which I truly enjoy and started a new part time job as a beauty consultant for a very exclusive brand which I love a lot as well.

And am seriously starting to be obsessed with pictures like these:

Will probably start moving on to a different style of makeup on my future dolls!
But in the meantime, am enjoying doing makeovers "on real size dolls" and do their portraits:

So, as you can see, I am still on a very creative path, right?

And last, but not least...
I am getting married at the end of July 2013 ! I forgiven for not having created any little doll lately?

I hope you are all well.
Please keep in touch and I promise I will pop in to see wht you've been up to lately!

Keep on Dreaming!