She was so excited to go on the Eurostar.
And 2 hours later we were in Paris in a taxi going to another station where we had to catch another train.
We drove past the Louvres and the glass Pyramid. Aliénore insisted that I took this picture to show you because she loves art so much.
Once at Montparnasse, Aliénore had been such a good doll that she was rewarded with a little ride on a carousel.
Then we jumped on the train and 1 hour and 30 minutes later we were in my beloved town.
An exhibition of Nikki de Saint Phalle at the Museum of Arts.
Something weird in the window of an art gallery.
Here is the gigantic medieval chateau of Angers ( built in 1230).

This is La Maison d'Adam( built circa 1500), and on the other picture you can see a very naughty detail that made Aliénore laugh a lot."Take a picture!" she said.She still can't stop giggling when she looks at this photo...naughty Aliénore!
Well, we just stayed 2 days, but it was the best 2 days I had in a loooooong time!How good it was to see my beautiful town again.But even good things have to end sometimes and we had to go back to England where my new life is.
Then, once back in England, there were 2 surprises waiting for me, a bad one and a good one:
1)-My adorable cat had decided it was time to fall asleep and never wake up again.Maybe she knew we were in Angers and wanted to be part of the angel town.She was going to be 18.The greatest cat in the world! (won't talk too much about her...)
2)-Edward ( thanks for the name KIM!) couldn't wait to show us what he discovered in the garden: