I have a secret to share with you.
See these little girls?
See these little girls?
What if I told you that they are about to have the strangest Tea time of their life?
One is going to feel like a giant and yet, she is only 3, the other one is going to discover a secret garden and the other two...are going to disappear before your very eyes!
Well...if you don't believe me, I have a way to proove that I am telling the absolute truth.
Wonna know?
All you have to do is jump in the hole...
Right down the rabbit's hole.
And don't forget to say hello to all the other friends along this crazy Tea Party...errrrmm...
And don't forget to say hello to all the other friends along this crazy Tea Party...errrrmm...
I meant, MAD Tea PArty.
Thank you to the lovely Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist to Host this delightful blog party
Oh Patricia! You are adorable...what a beautiful little movie...I did so enjoy my visit. Alice in the doll's house was just too cute!
Haha excellent, je ne suis jamais déçue avec toi Patricia!!! :)
Les petites ont dû s'amuser, tu es une magicienne pour elles (et pour nous!). bisooouuuuus!!!
wonderful tea party!!!!
C'est adorable , les gamines ont du être ravies de réaliser ces photos et de voir le résultat ! Bravo !
Adorable Patricia! I hope you decide to drop by for a spot of tea!
Tabitha of
formidable! tu as un don pour nous faire rêver. alienorE a beaucoup de chance de vivre avec toi (elle a une nouvelle tenue?), son existence ne risque pas d'être monotone. bisouxxx
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing your tea party with us. :)
You are very silly. One of the things I like best about you. :~)
Ta vidéo m'a bien fait rêver et je vais continuer à rêver... Ton film est vraiment génial.
J'ai hâte de te voir dans le Kent et comme toi je suis prête à jouer à la poupée. J'espère que cela va être possible.
You my dear, ma chère artiste, are the second of many genius bloggers that are participating today...this was WONDERFUL and I love your whimsy!!! BRAVO! Anita
What a special treat to watch your creation, see the giant, enter the secret garden and have tea! Thank you so much!
Now, just ignore this question if it is very wrong to question the magic - and this is a truly magical experience! - but how could that be possible? Just one out-of-place practical question...what scale is the dollshouse????
What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story! I swung away from my computer and looked at the two dollshouses that stand here in my room and said to myself, 'How could that photo be possible?'
Is it your magic of computer skills that gave us the photo of Lotte in the dollshouse? Or did she truly go inside? Just don't say anything if to discuss it would spoil the magic.
What a wonderfully mad tea party! I love the little girl in the doll house... too cute. Thanks for having me, Michelle
i love Alice in the little house!!! your tea party was lovely! thank you for having me
Hi, I accidentally left a wrong blog address. Here is the correct one
Thank you,
Wow, what an amazing tea party!! I love the tiny house, so many beautiful details! Thank you so much for inviting me :) ~Lauren
Wow! What a delightful post! I love the little sweetie in the doll house. My dollhouses are so small no child would fit in them. She looked like she thought that was the biggest treat! I have hand-made dolls on my blog as well and it is kid friendly if you want to bring your helpers along with you.
Have a mad party!
Erin :)
This is the first time I have been to your blog! Your party is divine.
you are invited to mine!
Dear Pat, just wanted to pop by to let you know that I have received my signed copy :). I am verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry happy :)
Now let me drink my tea...oooooooh I am shrinking!
Great party and super cute girl!
This tea party is BEYOND cute! I loved the video very much!!! :) Such beautiful flowers and sweet tea guests. :) And adorable dolls. :)
Hope you'll pop on over for a visit with me!
Thank you again for a lovely time...enjoy all the festivities!
How lovely tea party! Thanks for having me over :) I am a big fan of your dolls, loved them!
oh Patricia, Your movies always make me smile, you always create magic with your videos...I love it. That was a wonderful tea party and the girls are adorable.Thank you for inviting me!
I hope you will drop by to visit my party.
Your videos make me swoooooon! Thank you for a perfectly sublime Mad Tea party, complete with precious children, and Wonderland... You are magical!
Love, A Fanciful Twist
So sorry I am late
For this important date.
I'm still making my way down the list.
With too little time
I'm leaving this rhyme
For I'm adamant about wanting to persist.
All this running about
Has left me dry in the mouth.
Might I have a cup of tea?
I'm glad I stopped by
and took the time
to visit your party says me.
Oh my, the time
It goes so fast
I must be on my way
But fear not friend
I shall return
Please……Have a beautiful day.
Papillon Bleu, thanks for the explanation of the magic! It must be wonderful for Lotte to actually enter such a fantastical room. Lucky girl!
This is absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful movie and the girls are so fabulous! You create magical worlds like no other!
Patricia- I wish you knew how much this post means to me today. I am so lucky to have you as a friend- because whenever life feels overwhelming and hard you are there to remind me that there is magic and there is time for play. This is soooo adorable- the girls are so pretty- all of them- and their outfits are so cute! What a wonderful Mad Tea Party- how lucky you shared it with us :) PS- You look incredible in a large top hat!!
What a charming Mad Tea Party video!
The girls looked absolutely adorable! I love the doll house and the table you set for the tea.
All of it was soooo sweet!
Teresa in California
What a lovely party, MAGICAL ! ♥
I know I am a little late in visiting, but I am so happy I did ! Please come visit my party too ?!
Amazing party! Love the dolls house especially! How cool. Thanks for having me over!
OH! That was adorable!!! Absolutely wonderful!
Such a pretty film you have made and clever party you had!! Thank you! I'm still making my way to all the parties too and I'm so glad to have found yours!
Please visit with me when you have a moment:
Wishing you a Happy Not-Yet-Finished Mad Tea Party Week!
ok, so that was totally awesome!! great party guests, superb props and filming! Thanks for having me, and please visit mine, I am not drawing names til tonight for my giveaway.
Magique!! Ca me laisse sans voix...j'adore ton univers et des belles poupées!
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