It is with great surprise that I have discovered today that I had new followers. I have decided that I could give a little reward now and then and have decided that 20 was a nice number.
She is an artist and has several blogs. Her universe is very soft and feminine. I have noticed she likes French stuff ( cool, because I am French!) and there is a little papillon bleu ( a blue butterfly)on most of her designs!( cool again because it is the name of the blog!).The picture above is just a small teaser of what she does. You can click on it and you will be flying to her universe !
I thought that I could send a little something from my bazar.Something home made of course!
Dear Papillon Bleu;Thank you so much for your kind offering to your 20th follower!..,Yes I do
so enjoy all things french. I also adore your lovely new blog1.., I will put a link from my blog to yours today!.., My address is on my Bed and Breakfast website; at,A warm thankyou for your kind and generous comments.., Cheers from Silken Purse.
What a lovely picture! If you ever wanted to send pictures of your miniatures to me, I'd love it.
Thanks for following me!
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