Friday 20 November 2009

The spirit of...

I have to tell you that after I published my last post I had so much support and lovely e-mails that it really helped me! I needed a real boost! Thank you to all again!
New start now! Time to switch to a new spirit full of positivity ! Let's start to talk about CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
So, the girls have already decorated their Christmas tree and we have changed a few little things on the blog.
Lots of love to you all!

Rosie decorated the tree!

We cannot wait to celebrate Christmas with you!


Kim said...

What a wonderful job Rosie did on the tree- I love christmas time!! The time to remember all of those nearest and dearest to our hearts, to be thankful for them and to be thankful to God. I am glad to hear your spirits are good!! I hope the next few weeks bring you lots of exciting things and lots of joy :)

take care my friend!!♥

TINK - SONIA said...

Your tree is beautiful,I love your style in minis.Minikisses from Spain.

dalesdreams said...

The room looks very rosy and welcoming. The girls did a good job decorating. :)

miniacollection said...

Les filles ont fait un beau travail, j'aime le sapin de Noël. En ce qui me concerne je commence seulement à penser ce que je pourrai faire sur mon blog pour Noël...
All my best wishes. Take care.

Whittaker's Miniatures said...

Oh wow I love your blog page christmas theme, you have got me all Christmassy thankyou :-) I just came to see your posting and now I have to go change my page to a more festive one.oh the music, so wonderful!!! Kate xxx

Alicia said...

C'est vrai que ça fait un bien fou de passer chez toi (jai eu ta chanson dans la tête toute la journée avec ta jolie voix) et maintenant je viens m'imprégner de l'ambiance de Noël, mille merci!!!!

Anonymous said...

Going to pop in more often... to see what the girls are up to.
Carol xx