Sunday 29 November 2009


My dear friends, I have discovered today a note and a polaroïd.I know now what has happened to my sweet Aliénore.

Firts, I would like to apologise because I didn't have time to do my nails but according to the circumstances I know you will understand.

My hands were really shaking when I read the letter hence the blurry picture.

Then I graded the letter and I fell much much better ( I couldn't help it, I have taught in primary you see...).

So here is what was written on the letter:

But the worse is this photograph.It might disturb you if you are a sensitive doll, fairy, bear or even a person.

What am I supposed to do?I desperately need your advice!


Debora said...

O Oh....

cal ze poliez?


Oooh my god! You are not gonna do what they want!? Don't you? Or are you? Ooh my!

Kim said...

Oh no!!! I am away from the computer for a few days and I return to see this!! The anwser is simple- you must make more sweets!!! Do whatever they ask- sweet Alienore must come home safely!!! I cross my fingers and pray no ill will comes to her!!!

DollMum said...

I suppose you need to make some s and hands blue so you can identify them easily. Can you work out where they have got her tied up.

I would have graded them F! (maybe I am too strict, but doll napping is not nice)

Hope you find her soon

Best wishes


Anonymous said...

You will have to make much swits to outswit Alienore. Much more!

miniacollection said...

Mon dieu ! Et moi qui croyais que c'était juste une grande gourmande. Je crois que le mieux est de faire ce que l'on te demande. Il faut absolument que tu récupères Aliénor. Elle doit avoir peur, j'espère que les ravisseurs la traitent bien.
Les auteurs de la lettre ne sont pas meilleurs en orthographe que pas mal de petits français ...
Au fait la personne qui jouait à la poupée avec moi est ma meilleure amie qui a fait entre autres l'écharpe pour Nina.

parlance said...

I think the world needs more sweets, so the kidnappers must be good people and I'm sure they are actually treating Alienore very well.

Make lots of sweets.

Alicia said...

Oui je sais, je ne devrais pas pourtant je suis morte de rire!!!

j'adore aussi le "cal ze poliez " de debora!!

bon alors tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire, plus de friandises!!! allez hop au boulot!!!

lizzie said...

I think they are pretty desperate people, pay the ransom and eat lots of cake..
or send me cake and I'll worry too...


ginger@bearbits said...

Oh no! That poor dear. Whatever will you do??!! Perhaps all will be back to rights in time for the tea?? One can only hope. I would venture to guess you will sort it out very nicely and it will be spectacular as always. ;)

Debora said...

have they contacted you again? Where do you have to leave the sweets? Do you have any news!?? Ooh my.. She looks só scared, poor Aliénore!!